
Vanessa deleted all her social media accounts in 2019 and went on an inner journey to write a self help/motivational book about awakening, removing inner blocks, healing, transformation, and living an authentic and conscious life. Based on her experiences with having awakenings in 2015 and embarking on her own personal healing and transformation journey, the book provides support and solace for readers going through similar experiences. It has been and still is a difficult time for people. People from across the world are having awakenings. People are feeling lost and lonely. What you are longing for is yourself. You are not alone.

          Published on Amazon October 2023

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Why am I making Six Aspects of Being free?

I published the paperback and Kindle versions of Six Aspects of Being on Amazon in October 2023. After a year of reflection, I have come to the realization that I have no desire to market the book the traditional way. I’m not interested in doing gatherings or book readings. I don’t want to jet across the world and do speaking engagements.

I don’t care to try to get the book into mainstream society. I also don’t have much of a presence on social media nor do I have a large following for book exposure. I have no desire to have a big presence on social media.

I do have a strong desire to be of service to humanity during this magnificent time in my own way. 

In November 2024, I decided to unpublish the book and make the pdf version free for everyone. People are struggling financially, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I received a message from within to remove the financial barrier.

I’m getting out of the way. I have no set timelines or goals for Six Aspects of Being. I trust Universal energy to guide the book on its journey. If a paperback copy of Six Aspects of Being finds you and you feel called to it, feel free to take give it a read. Then pass it along. Share the pdf version with anyone you think would benefit..


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