
Vanessa Rochelle is a frontline licensed healthcare provider. For nearly two decades she has been supporting individual, groups, and communities in the areas of disease prevention, health promotion, and community development.


A registered dietitian by profession, Vanessa’s career as a health promoter within Western medicine includes diverse roles as facilitator, educator, counsellor, connector, coordinator, mentor, planner, and policy maker. She has provided support to thousands of people across the lifespan on an array of health and wellness topics.


Vanessa is a past community builder, activist, city councillor, and guest columnist for an urban newspaper. She now thrives in simplicity. In her spare time she enjoys all things that supports her wellbeing such as spending time with her spouse Kevin and three grown children, relaxation, yoga, nature, hiking, travel, and farmer’s markets. 

Vanessa supports:
  • health and wellness
  • wellbeing
  • awakening
  • healing
  • self love
  • self discovery
  • transformation
  • personal evolution
  • authenticity
  • empowerment
  • heart centred living
  • respect, compassion, and empathy

Vanessa Rochelle


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Disclaimer: The information on this website is for general information and educational purposes only and does not provide individual medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This website is not a substitute for personal medical advice from a licensed health provider such as doctor, nurse practitioner, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, pharmacist, registered dietitian, physiotherapist or occupational therapist. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees or results of any kind.
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